Fibre Optic Shotgun Sights:

How to know if you are eye dominant

How to know if you are eye dominant

how to know if you are eye dominant

If you are eye dominant, or cross eye dominant as it is also referred to then that will be the reason you inconsistently smoke those clays.

There are many terms for "Cross Eye Dominance" such as “Ocular Dominance”, “Cross Dominance”, “Left Eye Dominant”, “Right Eye Dominant” etc but they all are referring to the same thing.

I know you are eager to find out if indeed you are cross eye dominant so we will jump straight in and tell you how to check.

To answer the question how to know if you are eye dominant, just follow the steps below!

A) Find a well defined distant object, your neighbours chimney pot is a good one, hence you won't need your Shotgun 🙂

B) You must keep both eyes open for the following steps.

C) With your arm (any arm) fully outstretched, use a single finger or thumb to aim at the chimney pot with both eyes open.

D) DO NOT focus on your finger, only the chimney pot. You will be "aware" of the finger only as ghost images. You actually see 2 images of your finger (one from each eye).

E) Now, Close your RIGHT eye and keep your LEFT eye open.  If your finger and chimney remain still, you are LEFT eye dominant. If your finger jumped to the RIGHT, you are RIGHT eye dominant.

If you are curious as to why the finger jumps, or doesn't jump as the case may be, please review the graphics below that illustrate what happens.

(Birds Eye View)

This is what a Right Eye Dominant person sees with both eyes open

As both Eyes are open, each eye sees a separate image of the same Thumb.

As the Left eye is not dominant, the Left eye sees a much weaker image of the two and the brain ignores it.

The brain then rightly assumes that the Right Eye - Thumb & Chimney are all Co-Linear.


If this person was to close the dominant Right Eye, the only eye that would be open would be the left non dominant eye. But as it is the only eye open, it becomes the dominant eye.

So, if you draw a straight line from the Left Eye, thru the Thumb it jumps to the right on the Chimney.

The complete opposite would happed if the person illustrated was Left Eye Dominant.

What happens if you are cross eye dominant? This Sight will solve that problem

These Sight's solves cross eye dominance, click the image above to find out how!


As this Sight enables you to solve cross eye dominance and shoot with both eyes open, you have the ability to perceive distance and speed due to the stereoscopic vision 2 eyes open gives you. This is essential for shooting moving targets! This Shotgun Sight will be ideal for the following shotgun pursuits:


Wild Hog hunting ~ Wild Turkey hunting ~ Coyote ~ Pheasant ~ Grouse ~ Dove ~ Pigeon ~ Duck ~ Geese ~ Lynx~ upland & waterfowl hunting.


You may also want to consider using it for 3-Gun ~ Multi-Gun ~ Defensive Shotgun training ~ skeet ~ clay pigeon shooting ~ trap ~ FITASC  ~ DTL down the line

If you have any questions at all, feel free to call or email us using the contact info at the very top of the page. We will get back to you as soon as we can!

Even if you decide not to purchase, thank you for your interest from the CADtec3D team.


External link to Wikipedia regarding cross eye dominance and the effects on accuracy using shotgun sighting.
Useful additional information on Cross Eye Dominance.


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