airsoft optics for picatinny rail
LED sight picatinny rail
LED sight picatinny rail (SGS-300) is LED Powered.
You now get a distinctive, vivid sight picture in all weather conditions and backgrounds.

LED sight picatinny rail is a game changer. You gate a distinctive, vivid sight picture between day and dusk.
The driving force behind this design was to give you the clearest Sight Picture under all ambient lighting conditions.
In will give you improved Situation Awareness (because you can have both eyes open when acquiring targets). If you close an eye to aim you have lost half your peripheral vision in the process.
Improved accuracy due to the elimination of cross eye dominance.
It also improves accuracy by being able to shoot with both eyes open because it enables stereoscopic vision. Having stereoscopic vision gives you the ability to judge speed and distance, both of which you will need for shooting moving targets. If you cant judge speed and distance you cant judge "aim off" or "bullet drop".
Last but not least you get reliability due to the method of construction and the protection of the internal components. LED sight picatinny rail from CADtec3D are powered by LED's. with 2 switchable intensities. This enables the shooter to select high or low intensity depending on the current ambient lighting conditions. The section below illustrates the optical, mechanical & electronics layout.

The switch can be easily accessed when your gun is mounted but is invisible in your field of view. The intensity can be easily toggled between shots.
All internal components are encapsulated and sealed for life in silicone rubber to protect parts being subjected to shock loads from 12G shotgun recoil, dust and water ingress. Switch rating is IP67.
The Picatinny Quick Release Mount has some pretty awesome features that can best be explained in the movie below. Please play the movie for an in-depth explanation of the functionality of the mount.
Please note, the film shows a different Sight on the picatinny mount but the mount is exactly the same as supplied with the Airsoft Optics for Picatinny Rail
For an overview of the LED sight picatinny rail, please play the film below, it covers the following topics:
# Switch functionality
# LED colour choices
# A visual of the Blue LED at low and high intensity settings
# Charging your Sight
# Charging times
# About the charging indicator
# Details of the internal battery
# How long the charge lasts for both high and low settings
# The Sight shown on our very 1st customers Keltek KS7 shotgun
# How it solves cross eye dominance
# What errors down range can occur if the Eye Dominance issue goes unchecked
# Recap of the Picatinny Rail interface features
The LED sight for picatinny rail is ambidextrous!
It now doesn't matter what your dominant eye is.
If you mount the gun on your right shoulder, you can only see the LED from the Right eye. Perfect.
If you mount the gun on your left shoulder, you can only see the LED from your Left eye. Perfect.
As long as the Right eye can see the LED when gun mounted on the Right shoulder, its seeing it from the "correct eye", because the target, the LED and your eye are all in line.
As long as the Left eye can see the LED when gun mounted on the Left shoulder, its seeing it from the "correct eye", because the target, the LED and your eye are all in line.
This Sight ensures you only see the LED from one eye, and that will be the correct eye!

The reason you only see one image instead of two is very easily achieved.
You can only see the LED from one eye at a time because the LED is obscured from the other eye by the site body itself. The LED is situated deep inside the body.
The rest is just geometry, the other eye being approximately 64mm apart means it cant see the LED.
Some people close an eye when acquiring a target. Most people that know they are cross eye dominant close an eye to ensure Eye, Sight Picture and target are all in line. Yes, it solves the cross-eye dominance but you have created 3 other problems. If you close an eye you become "monoscopic" in other words you no longer have stereoscopic vision.
- Without Stereoscopic vision, your ability to judge Distance is impaired!
- Without Stereoscopic vision your ability to judge Speed is impaired!
- If you close an eye half your field of view has disappeared seriously diminishing your peripheral vision which effects situation awareness.
Being able to judge speed and distance is imperative if you want to shoot moving targets. You cant accurately elevate your gun for range or estimate the required aim-off depending on speed without stereoscopic vision!
Clarity of Sight picture
With fibre optics, you are reliant on ambient light to get light through to the ocular end for sighting purposes. On bright days there isn't a problem. On overcast day the Sight Picture is dull. The LED enables the intensity to be consistent Night and Day. An important thing to mention about the clarity of the Sight Picture is if it is dull, and without stating the obvious, you will struggle to see it. The point is, if you are struggling to see it, you will be hard focused on it. That means you are NOT looking at the target. The Target is what you should be hard focused on "all the time". You cannot be hard focused on both, which is why we recommend you never hard focus on the LED, just the target. Being "aware" of the sight picture in your secondary vision is all it takes.
Battery life
From a fully charged battery, in high intensity mode, the battery will deplete in approximately 40 hours of continuous use.
From a fully charged battery, in low intensity mode, the power will deplete in approximately 80 hours of continuous use.
The battery is a Lithium High Capacity 550mWh which serves the very low current demand of the LED. As with all Lithium batteries, there is a limit to how many times they can be recharged.
To ensure high reliability, the battery and electronics are fully encapsulated in silicone rubber to protect against the shock loads of gun fire and ingress of dust and water. As a consequence, the battery cannot be replaced, however, the battery can be charged nominally 1200 times. 40 hours per charge = 48,000 hours for its lifetime at high intensity mode. 96,000 hours for its lifetime at low intensity. That has to be a lifetime worth of shooting!
Our recommended way of using this Sight
Mount your gun and hard focus on the Sight Picture, positioning your gun until you see a full circle light, this indicates your gun is aligned.
Now, do not hard focus on your Sight anymore. Hard focus on your Target, or at the distance you know the target will be. This is critical. You only need to be "AWARE" of the Sight Picture in your “SECONDARY” vision.
"BOTH EYES" must be open all the time, when the Sight Picture in your "SECONDARY" vision is on the Target, you know the gun barrel axis is looking at the target also because the Sight and Gun barrel are coaxial.
With both eyes open, you gave yourself:
- The maximum situation awareness (horizontal and vertical field of view).
- You gave yourself Stereoscopic vision which gives you the ability to judge speed.
- It also gives you the ability to judge distance.
Being able to judge Speed and Distance is imperative in order to consistently hit moving targets. It only works when both eyes are open!
The LED sight picatinny rail SGS-300 fitted to a Keltek KS7 shotgun
Curtesy of Steve from Long Beach USA
If within 30 days of purchase you are unhappy for whatever reason simply return it, undamaged and we will refund your money 100% no questions asked!
Please note, a shipping charge based on your location will be added at checkout. You will be able to track the progress of the shipment in transit.
If you have any questions at all, feel free to call or email us using the contact info at the very top of the page. We will get back to you as soon as we can!
Even if you decide not to purchase, thank you for your interest from the CADtec3D team.
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