Fibre Optic Shotgun Sights:

What happens if you are cross eye dominant

What happens if you are cross eye dominant

what happens if you are cross eye dominant

What happens if you are cross eye dominant is a question many people ask. They also ask how is it solved and we have the answers to both questions for you.

Lets get started

Lets assume you mount your gun on your right shoulder, and lets assume you are right eye dominant, and lets assume you have both eyes open.

what happens if you are cross eye dominant

The image above depicts that exact scenario, and all is well! All is well because your right eye being the dominant eye is in the correct place in terms of the line of sight. The eye, the shotgun bead and the target are all in line!

You might say, this gunner is lucky that he is right eye dominant. He may or he may not even know it but he could have been as easily left eye dominant and that would have caused a massive error down range.


The image below depicts what would happen if he were left eye dominant (gun still mounted on right shoulder).

what happens if you are cross eye dominant and how is it solved

Here's the thing. When you look at an object with both eyes open, you see 2 images. 1 image from each eye. The Brain ignores one of the images! It only register's the image seen by the dominant eye. That image will be lets say the brightest or the most definitive image.

In this scenario, the Brain sees the Bead with the left dominant eye. As far as this shooters Brain is concerned, the eye, the bead and the Target are all in line, except the gun is looking (aiming) somewhere else.

You can prove it to yourself. Hold your arm outstretched with both eyes open and use a finger as if to aim at a relatively distant object. Focus on what you are aiming at, not the finger and you will see both the images, one strong, one week.

Close the left eye and if your finger and the target are still in line you are right eye dominant.

Close the right eye and if your finger and the target are still in line you are left eye dominant.

The error at range is considerable. Assuming the Bead is 650 mm from your eye (at the end of the barrel) and your left eye is 64 mm from your right eye, that subtends an angle of error of 5.5 degrees. This equates to an error at range at 30 Metres to 2.9 Metres (114").

Hopefully what happens if you are cross eye dominant has been explained but feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding this subject.

SGS-100 Mk1 fibre optic shotgun sight
SGS-100 Mk1 fibre optic shotgun sight


SGS-100 Mk2 3D printed
SGS-100 Mk2 Cost effective 3D printed version of the SGS-100 Mk1 which is machined from aluminium extrusion


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SGS-300 LED sight for picatinny rail



These Sight's solve cross eye dominance, click the image above to find out how!

As this Sight enables you to solve cross eye dominance and shoot with both eyes open, you have the ability to perceive distance and speed due to the stereoscopic vision 2 eyes open gives you. This is essential for shooting moving targets! This Shotgun Sight will be ideal for the following shotgun pursuits:


Wild Hog hunting ~ Wild Turkey hunting ~ Coyote ~ Pheasant ~ Grouse ~ Dove ~ Pigeon ~ Duck ~ Geese ~ Lynx~ upland & waterfowl hunting.


You may also want to consider using it for 3-Gun ~ Multi-Gun ~ Defensive Shotgun training ~ skeet ~ clay pigeon shooting ~ trap ~ FITASC  ~ DTL down the line


External link to Wikipedia regarding cross eye dominance and the effects on accuracy using shotgun sighting.
Useful additional information on Cross Eye Dominance.


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