Fibre Optic Shotgun Sights:

SGS-100 Mk1 Fiber Optic Shotgun Sight for Vent Ribs


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eye dominance sight ventribs

This is the Professional version of the CADtec3D range of eye dominance sights for vent ribs. It is fully machined from 6060-T6 aluminium extruded body. Protective finished by anodising to Military spec MIL-A8625 Type 2, Matt Black.

The Sight is supplied with 2 fibre optic colours Green and Red that can be changed in a few seconds. Also supplied is a spare M2.5mm set screw and Allen key.

The Sight Body will not distort due to heat or vibration.

# This Sight will solve your cross eye dominance issue instantly!

# This eye dominance sight ventribs will ensure you have an effective gun mount, and consequently improves your aim!

# This Sight will never fall of your Vent Rib like some can and do!


How this eye dominance sight ventribs solves cross eye dominance.


Well, 1st what is cross eye dominance? Most people are either right or left handed. Well most people are also right or left eyed. I know that sounds strange but it means one eye is stronger (or more Dominant than the other).

Below illustrates someone that is right handed, mounts gun on right shoulder, and is right eye dominant. With both eyes open, the right (dominant eye), Bead and Target are all aligned. No problem.

eye dominance sight ventribs image

Below illustrates someone that is right handed, mounts gun on right shoulder, and doesn't know he or she is left eye dominant. With both eyes open, the LEFT  dominant eye, Bead and Target are all aligned. Because the interpupillary distance is approximately 64mm (eye separation), it forms an angle as can be seen.




eye dominance sight for ventribs illustration

With both eyes open, the The Brain actually sees 2 images of the Bead. It ignores the weak image and only considers the Strong (Dominant) image.

Solving this phenomenon is easy. This Sight makes it impossible to see 2 images of the Fibre Optic. As shown below.


In the illustration below, this person is right handed and mounts gun on right shoulder. With both eyes open, the shooters Left Eye is the dominant Eye but the Sight Body obscures the Fibre Optic so the weaker eye becomes the dominant eye and Target, Bead and Eye are all in line and no angle produced due to the interpupillary spacing of the Eye.

eye dominance sight ventribs (also known as ocular dominance), showing how it solves cross eye dominance

This is what you actually see from each eye under both gun mounted positions from the eye dominance sight ventribs

With both eyes open and Gun mounted on your Right shoulder

The same thing would happen if you mounted your Gun on the left shoulder. It now doesn't matter what your dominant eye is. You can only see the fibre optic from the correct eye. That is the eye closest to the shoulder you mount your gun on because everything is in line. The other eye, whether dominant or not has been eliminated from the Sighting equation.



How this eye dominance sight ventribs gives you an effective Gun Mount.

The SGS-100 Fibre Optic Shotgun Sights works like a Front and Rear Sight, but in a single body. The fibre optic is viewed from deep inside a 5 mm diameter tube. If you view the fibre optic off axis the fibre optic can't be seen. It's a bit like a now you see it, now you don't if you are misaligned.

the shooter sees conformation that gun is aligned correctly

If you can see the Red or Green fibre optic you know that what the disc of light is superimposed on, the axis of the shotgun barrel will be coincident with it. That's because everything is coaxial. The fibre optic is coaxial with the body of the Sight, the Sight is coaxial with the shotgun barrel.

You position your gun until you see the full circle of light from inside the body of the Sight. You are always aware of your Alignment condition ~ Re-Adjusting is instant ~ You are always in control. Knowing you are "aligned" or "misaligned" is immediately obvious to you using the this Sight. There is a visual difference from perfect alignment to a small rotation (off axis rotation). Perfectly aligned shows a full circle of light. Off axis and the circle changes to an ever-diminishing ellipse.



This Sight will never fall of your Vent Rib like some can and do!

Unlike some designs, this Sight will not fall off your vent rib. We know this an issue with many Sights available. In the image below you will notice the screws are at a 10 degree angle to the Rib. This ensures the Fibre Optic Shotgun Sights are captivated on the vent rib. Many Sight designs try to put the screws against the rib at 90 degrees. This relies solely on friction to retain the Sight. In order for that to work, the screws have to dig-into the Vent Rib. As the shotgun's Vent Rib is very tough compared to the screws, the screws will never "dig-in". The result is in a short space of time, due to vibration,  shock and contraction and compression due to heat, the sight will eventually fall off. But NOT this Sight. No force is needed against the vent rib, just a slight touch and the Sight is locked in place. The 10-degree angle of the screw takes care of that.

Fibre Optic Shotgun Sight mounting method

The stainless steel screw doesn't screw into the Aluminium body. The Body is fitted with a special thread insert which has a screw locking feature.

You will see from the image below that the central coil shown coloured silver has “straight” segments or “chords”. When the screw enters, these chords flex outwards creating pressure on the screw preventing it from unwinding. No need for thread locking adhesive and you can take the Sight Off and On as many times as you like.

screw lock mechanism is a new feature for the SGS-100 Fibre Optic Shotgun Sight


eye dominance sight ventribs functionality


fibre optic shotgun sight functionality


This Sight will fit a wide range of Vent Ribs. On check out you will be asked to select your guns Rib Width

Image showing customer the fibre optic shotgun vent rib width option


If within 30 days of purchase you are unhappy for whatever reason, simply return it, undamaged and we will refund your money 100% no questions asked!


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External link to Wikipedia regarding cross eye dominance and the effects on accuracy using shotgun sighting.
Interesting article on Ocular / Cross eye dominance


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Additional information

Weight 60 g
Dimensions 148 × 20 × 14 mm
Vent Rib Width

Up to 6mm, Up to 8mm, Up to 10mm, Up to 12mm

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