customer reviews
If you would like to leave us feedback on your purchasing experience or how your Sight benefitted you, please let us know.
If there was something you didn’t like, or if you have an idea for improving CADtec3D's products, please let us know that too so we can improve our products and services.
Please share your thoughts by clicking the "contact" button below.
Thank you from all at CADtec3D team!
This review was reference to our SGS-100-Mk1, Fibre Optic Shotgun Sight for vent ribs ~ Fully machined from aluminium extrusion with black anodised protective finish
This review was also reference to our SGS-100-Mk1, Fibre Optic Shotgun Sight for vent ribs ~ a very happy customer indeed
This review is reference to our brand new product: An LED Sight. It brings state of the art technology to give you Accuracy (night and day). It doesn't need ambient light. It generates its own to suit the conditions.
Steve from Long Beach was the very 1st happy customer in the USA.
A very happy customer from a CPSA shooting instructor. It don't get better than that!
Marcin very kindly gave us his permission to share his photos of the CADtec3D SGS-200 on his Keltec KS-7 shotgun as seen below:
CADtec3d customer reviews are very important to us. Please let us know you views so we can improve where you think it is necessary!

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